Friday, October 23, 2009

Not- so-solo

Actually wrote this yesterday (today for you in the states) but couldn't post it till just now...

Trying to explore the more 'authentic' Ubud, I feel like I have made an effort to stay away from places that are 'strictly for tourists'. I haven't done any shopping, can't afford the nice spas and pricey yoga classes, and have kept my distance from any restaraunt priced above 20.000 rupiahs/dish. Granted, we did the monkey sanctuary and the elephant cave and had drinks at places where wifi is available, but I have tried not to overdue it. Well, since I can no longer steal wifi from Jussi's homestay, I have been spending much more time in these cute/organic/yoga-oriented cafes that radiate free wifi for just the cost of one slightly-overpriced fruit juice or coffee. Well wouldn't you know it... These places are filled to the brim with people just like me (except with maybe larger budgets). I guess I shouldn't have been surprised thou... We all came here for the same reason- to do a bit of soulsearching and exploring.

Got to spend some time today with an Aussie girl who i met briefly yesterday. This poor girl got chased by three dogs this morning on her way to yoga and fell and hit her head on the ground... 14 stitches in all. She was in good spirits and is flying back to Melbourne tomorrow but was a bummer to see her trip end like that. Met another woman who went to CU a few years ago, lives in San Diego and is traveling southeast Asia for 6 months with her husband and two kids- really awesome to talk to her for a bit. She is currently writing a book about being a mother and living a more balanced lifestyle while her husband works from his computer and their kids are in the local school for the amount of time they will be here. Pretty inspirational to see families traveling like that... Maybe I never have to totally drop my gypsy lifestyle.

Went to the community (free) yoga class at the yogabarn later this evening after a nap and met another girl who was also living in California for a bit this last year. We grabbed some dinner and dessert after yoga and got to chat. She just spent some time in Australia, is working at an Eco-lodge now in Bali and then leaves in March for Peace Corp in Latin America. Nice to meet other people with the same 'save the world' mentality.

Also met an older surfer guy from Hawaii, another Aussie yoga-goer, and my Spanish next door neighbor. And a couple- he was a lawyer from NY and she was a nurse in Sweden... She just got done doing Doctors Without Borders and he reiterated every reason why I do not like lawyers- especially lawyers from New York. Im actually not sure if 'traveling alone' is really possible.

The highlight of my day:
The little old grandma from my homestay came over to me and was trying to talk to me. She doesn't speak a lick of english and I only know the Balinese word for 'thank you' so we really didn't get anything accomplished but I am absolutely sure that I honestly love this woman. She has the face of someone who has seen everything and knows all the secrets to life... I just so wish I could understand her!

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